• Amulet bracelet with lapis, sterling silver, antique glass, spectrolite, mastodon, botswana agate, citrine, carnelian and a bell beads. Lovingly hand crafted in store by Karen Lipsett.
  • Amulet bracelet with quartz, chalcedony, shell, lepidoilte with pink tourmaline and mastodon bone beads. Lovingly hand crafted in store.
  • Amulet bracelet with mastodon bone, tiger's eye, lapis, amethyst and carnelian beads. Lovingly hand crafted in store.
  • Amulet bracelet with mastodon bone, garnet, green glass, quartz with rutile, tiger’s eye and tufa beads. Lovingly hand crafted in store.
  • Amulet bracelet with mastodon bone, quartz with chlorite, lavender agate and rose quartz skull beads. Lovingly hand crafted in store.
  • Amulet bracelet with mastodon bone, black tourmaline, antique green glass, rutile quartz and tektite beads. Lovingly hand crafted in store.


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